Sunday, April 5, 2009

A positive effect for the release of CO2

A recent discovery has founded that an increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) has lead to the rapid development of various trees across a wide range of different species. Over the years, humans will continue to increase their release of CO2 into the atmosphere as our population increases. Although this evil waste product will ultimately lead to the destruction of the ozone layer, trees are able to utilize its properties in for not only its own beneficial usage, but ours too. Trees are able to convert CO2 into sugars and proteins for its own growth and developments, which are just as important as water to a tree. Because of the increase of CO2, the trees have more access to it and are able to flourish in a better environment; even though the CO2 is ruining the ozone layer. Not only is this cause an increase in the amount of trees being produced, but it also speeds up its growth. By having more trees in the environment, they are thus able to “suck up” even more CO2 and release, in return, fresh air.

Regardless of this wonderful fact however, many scientists are still saying that the amount of CO2 being released into the atmosphere is still astronomically high. According to Professor Martin Perry, the trees are only removing a small fraction of the amount of CO2 we are releasing. Surprisingly, we release about 50 million tons of gas a year, a rate far too great for the trees to consume. The trees will not solve global warming, or anything near it, but it is helping the environment greatly and slow down global warming.

Original Article: "Trees are growing faster and could buy time to halt global warming." (6. Apr. 2009): Riverside, 5 Apr. 2009.

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